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Scan product
MDR & documents

Scan product

How do I use the "Scan barcode" function?

With the "Scan barcode" mode, you can simply order directly by scanning the existing barcodes. You do not require an article number and thus save time-consuming searches. You will find compatible barcodes on many of the products - for all other products you can create barcodes yourself.

Place the camera viewfinder over the barcode such that it is completely visible in the viewfinder and click on "Scan barcode". Then click on the shopping cart button to add the product directly to the shopping cart with the desired quantity. If you order the product regularly, you can add it to an order list by clicking on the pin. For more product details, click on the product name. This lets you view all the information - product texts, images, safety data sheets or videos - which is stored for this product.

The prerequisite for using this function is a compatible barcode. SMARTLAB currently supports the QR, DataMatrix and Code-128 technologies. All barcodes in our catalogues and mailings are of course compatible.

Why are some barcodes not recognised?

SMARTLAB currently supports the QR, DataMatrix and Code-128 technologies. All barcodes in our catalogues and mailings are of course compatible. If your desired barcode is not recognised, it is presumably based on a different technology. We are working on expanding this function so that more technologies will be added continuously.

For products whose barcodes are not yet recognised, you can create your own labels if required to make ordering easier for yourself.

Can I also use the scanning function to order products which do not have a barcode?

You can easily create your own labels with barcodes in just a few steps for products without barcodes. To do this, use the menu item "Creating labels" and attach these either to the product itself or the storage location. You can then scan these labels as usual and order the products directly with just a few clicks.

I already use barcodes from another system in my laboratory. Can I use these?

With SMARTLAB, you have the option of manually assigning unused barcodes from another system to a product, provided the technology is compatible. To do this, scan the barcode of your existing system. If SMARTLAB recognises the barcode, store the product data once-off. These are now displayed to you for every scan and you can order directly via "Scan barcode".

This option is particularly helpful if you already have a barcode-based system in use in your laboratory.

When scanning some products, batches are displayed but no product name appears

A: The product was purchased from DT&SHOP:
Please inform our support team (

B: The product was not purchased from DT&SHOP (third-party product):
This function is currently not yet available. According to the EU, however, there will be a European database for medical devices as from September 2021. As soon as this is available, it is to be linked to SMARTLAB so that the product name is also displayed for third-party products.

As a customer, you will of course be informed as soon as an update becomes available.

Alternative solution in both cases:
You can enter the batch and the manufacturer's article number and add the name of the product manually. To do this, scan the product, add it to "My medical devices" and open the product by clicking the change icon (pencil). Now you can enter the product name.

Ivoclar tooth sets cannot be scanned.

Three barcodes are printed on some Ivoclar tooth sets: a QR code, which only leads to a website with product information, and two barcodes (DataMatrix), which contain the relevant product data (e.g. article number, batches, etc.). The QR code cannot be processed by SMARTLAB.

The barcodes (DataMatrix) printed on Ivoclar products are white and usually printed on a black background. To be able to scan these, you need to proceed as follows:

In the menu item "Scan product", click on the settings icon at the bottom left (three sliders). Then tick "Scanning inverted barcodes" in the "Compatibility" section. The settings are saved automatically. The new setting now allows scanning Ivoclar products, but has a tendency of slowing down the scanning function. Therefore, if you have scanned all the Ivoclar products, you can reverse the setting.

MDR & documents

How do I use the "Document batches" function?

In the "Document batches" mode, same as with the "Scan barcode" mode, you can order directly by mouse click and call up further product information, for example, the instructions for use and safety data sheets. Furthermore, you have the option of saving the product with all the additional information contained in the barcode under Patient work for which you have used the product.

You thus systematically and conveniently comply with your documentation obligations with regard to the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and ensure the traceability of products in the event of product recalls. In such cases, you can use SMARTLAB to digitally search for batches and will automatically receive a display of all patient work in which the recalled product was used.

What information can I save in the "Document batches" mode?

In the "Document batches" mode, you assign products including the batch numbers and other additional information to patient work. In addition to the batch numbers, all other information contained in the barcode is saved. For example, this can include serial numbers, expiry dates as well as production data.

You also have the option of saving additional information manually.